Nahar Towers, Shop 23 - Floor 7

Jessica Sandy Pearl

Nahar Towers, Shop 23 - Floor 7 Waypoint

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Shop Items


30% for 1 Hour Skill Juice

Broken Elysian Technology (587)

Vibrant Sweat (1000)

Vibrant Sweat (10000)

Vibrant Sweat (20000)

Vibrant Sweat (5000)

Vibrant Sweat (61575)



Dunkel Plastix - 4

Mayhem Gloves (F,L)

Nuskha Contribution (L)

Pet Name Tag - 5

Space Thruster (L) - sitting on floor at left wall

Yule Daudaormur Liquid - User Controlled Mob

Yule Daudaormur Liquid Light - User Controlled Mob


Bristlehog Pet - Level 1

Eudoracell Pet - Level 1

L.A.R.A. - Level 1

Mei Hua Quan Pet - Level 1

Nusul Pet - Level 1

Pet Name Tag - 5 x 2

Rover Pet - Level 1

TabTab Pet - Level 1

Yog Hatchling Pet - Level 2


Blue Star Fireworks

Kitty - Level 1

Mayhem M-Matrix Beta (L) - 3

Mirsal Token (38)

Ophidian Blade M2 (L)

Rad Conveyor (1)

Red Heart Fireworks

Rover Pet - Level 1

Yellow Heart Fireworks - 2

Yellow Star Fireworks - 2


Creature Control Capsule - Duhol Provider

Creature Control Capsule - Furry Hound - 2

Cult of Shut'thend Tajho Creature Control Capsule

Dragonfly Helicopter (L)

Jeef Zajer Host Alpha Mob Pill - 8

Sleipnir Mk. 1 (C,L)


Mayhem B-Amplifier Alpha (L) - 4

Mayhem B-Amplifier Beta (L) - 2

Mayhem L-Amplifier Beta (L)

Mayhem L-Amplifier Delta (L)

Mayhem M-Matrix Alpha (L) - 4

Mayhem M-Matrix Beta (L) - 3

Mayhem M-Matrix Gamma (L) - 2

Mayhem MF-Amplifier Delta (L)


Aakas Plating (86)

Angel Scales (8)

Animal Adrenal Oil (14)

Animal Eye Oil (50)

Animal Muscle Oil (1000)

Animal Muscle Oil (3300)

Animal Pancreas Oil (55)

Animal Thyroid Oil (200)

Animal Thyroid Oil (500)

Aqeeq Ingot (244)

Azzurdite Ingot (2)

Balancing Agent (47)

Basic Bearings Blueprint

Basic Filters (2000)

Basic Filters Blueprint

Basic Rings Blueprint

Basic Screws Blueprint

Basic Sensor Blueprint

Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint

Basic Structure Blueprint

Blausariam Ingot (30)

Bronze Alloy (51)

Brukite (1544)

Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint

Diluted Sweat (1000)

Diluted Sweat (1328)

Electronic Stabilizing Component (100)

Energized Crystal Cell (4)

Energy Matter Residue (2000)

Energy Matter Residue (2049)

Erdorium Ingot (2)

Explosive Projectiles Recycle 2 Blueprint (L) (9)

Explosive Projectiles Recycle 3 Blueprint (L) (4)

Explosive Projectiles Recycle 3 Blueprint (L) (5)

Fairuz Ingot (88)

Fanoos Medical V1 (L)

Ghali Powder (35)

Growth Molecules (13)

Haris Armor Helmet (F,L)

High Definition GUI Component (40)

High Speed Control Component (4)

Hilqa Knife M3 (L)

Infrasound Emitter Component (19)

Interactive Simplifier Component (48)

Iron Ingot (54)

Iron Ingot (71)

Isis LLP 3 (L)

Isis LLP 8 (L)

Isis LSB 1 (L)

Kaldon (252)

Kaz Ingot (138)

Lulu pearl (8)

Lysterium Ingot (1000)

Lysterium Ingot (1500)

Malwood Armor Arm Guards (F,L)

Malwood Armor Arm Guards (M,L)

Malwood Armor Foot Guards (F,L)

Malwood Armor Foot Guards (M,L)

Malwood Armor Gloves (F,L)

Malwood Armor Gloves (M,L)

Malwood Armor Harness (F,L)

Malwood Armor Harness (M,L)

Malwood Armor Helmet (F,L)

Malwood Armor Helmet (M,L)

Malwood Armor Shin Guards (F,L)

Malwood Armor Shin Guards (M,L)

Malwood Armor Thigh Guards (F,L)

Malwood Armor Thigh Guards (M,L)

Mamnoon Mist (238)

Marganah Tincture (1)

Maro Ingot (8)

Material Efficiency Component (21)

Mawlood Recruit Eagle (L) - 2

Melchi Crystal (451)

Metal Residue (2500)

Metal Residue (5000)

Metal Residue (5038)

Mind Essence (100000) - x2

Mining Strongbox 1 - x2

Mokhat Jelly (50) - x2

Nanocube (2000)

Narcanisum Ingot (12)

Nawa Vial (271)

NeoPsion 2-B Mindforce Implant (L)

Niksarium Ingot (17)

Nissit (451)

Nutrio Bar (1000)

Nutrio Bar (1416)

Nutrio Bar (200)

Nutrio Bar (400)

Oil (100) - x2

Oil (1000) - x2

Oil (200) - x2

Oil (500) - x2

Output Amplifier Component (1)

Phasing Nano Adjuster (1)

Rationalizer Component (20)

Refined Sorensen's Stone (36)

Rifi Armor Harness (M,L)

Robot Heat Sinks (64)

Robot Safety System (177)

Rutol (22)

Sahra MK3 (L)

Sham Sand (1000)

Shayeb S10 (L)

Shayeb S20 (L) - 2

Simple 1 Plastic Rods Blueprint - 2

Simple 1 Plastic Springs Blueprint

Socket 1 Component (95)

Socket 2 Component (100)

Socket 6 Component (50)

Sopur (430)

Super Charger Component (2)

Surface Hardener Component (100)

Surface Toughness Component (1)

Taqwa Tincture (1)

Tier 1 Component (100)

Tier 2 Component (50)

Tier 3 Component (39)

Tier 5 Component (7)

Trutun (142)

Vedacore Sheeting (30)

Welding Wire Blueprint (L) (1000)

Welding Wire Blueprint (L) (2000)

Youd Bottle (302)

Zircon Ingot (200)

Zircon Ingot (465)